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AEO Certification

OMI is pleased to announce the achievement of the “Authorized Economic Operator” certification issued by Customs Agency.

Authorized Economic Operator

The status of Authorised Economic Operator certifies a situation of specific reliability of a particular subject in respect of customs authorities and is part of the new procedures for computerization in the relations between individuals and authorities in charge to control international trading activities.


The AEO Certification


On 1st January 2008, the changes brought about by EC Regulations no. 648/2005 and no. 1875/2006 amending the Community Customs Code (EC Reg no. 450/2008) and the Customs Code Implementing Provisions (EC Reg. No. 2454/1993) respectively, came into force in the EU 27 Member States.


These refer to the issuing of:

  • AEO/Customs Simplifications (AEOC)
  • AEO/Security (AEOS)
  • AEO/Customs Simplifications and Security certificates (AEOF)


All being valid throughout the Community. This Community certification scheme applies to all economic operators and their business partners playing a role in the international supply chain, i.e. producers, exporters, forwarders, warehousekeepers, customs agents, carriers, importers who are involved in activities covered by the relevant customs legislation and are eligible in terms of reliability and security in the supply chain.


The benefits of becoming an AEO operators are:

  • Acquisition of a status of reliability and security with unlimited validity and community
  • Reductions of controls
  • Customs simplifications
  • Facilitations in the security field
  • Improved relations with customs authorities
  • Mutual recognition


Obtain AEO certification is a complex process and only financially sound companies that maintain transparent relationships with the customs system can achieve it.