Fogliano Redipuglia, 02/03/2013



It wants to inform all possible users, managers (owners), of refrigeration devices, that from 12 April 2013, the sanctions relating to fluorinated greenhouse gases will be applicable, Legislative Decree 5 March 2013 n. 26, published in the G.U. 28 March 2013.


In compliance with Presidential Decree no. 43 of 27 January 2012, which implemented the European Regulation EC 842/2006 on gases harmful to the ozone layer, and responsible for the greenhouse effect, the managers (owners) of machinery containing fluorinated gases, CFCs, HCFCs , HFC, in quantities equivalent to or greater than 3 kilograms, for each circuit, are obliged to have a plant booklet.


The plant manager is responsible, in order not to incur financial penalties, to delegate to companies in possession of the minimum requirements indicated in the European Regulation EC 303/2008, the operations of compilation, maintenance, repair, recovery and in any case all activities involving the handling of refrigerant.


OMI, as a manufacturer of machines containing refrigerant gases and a supplier of services, is registered in the F-GAS register, and has already obtained certification as a company and its own technicians pursuant to Reg. Eur. CE 303/2008, to operate with its personnel on such devices containing the fluorinated gases mentioned above.


OMI can therefore offer the services of control, leak detection, refrigerant recovery, installation, maintenance and repair of refrigeration machines containing certain gases, as well as being authorized to manage and "fill in the system booklet".


Finally, OMI informs that the plant manager is obliged to:

verify that the company in charge of carrying out the operations of control and verification of leaks, recovery, disposal and repair of such systems containing fluorinated gases, is in possession of the minimum requirements provided for by this Presidential Decree no. 43, 27 January 2012, furthermore that if this operator is not in possession of the plant booklet, that said booklet is not correctly filled in all its parts, and if he does not make this documentation available to the competent authorities in control operations, incurs fines from € 500.00 to € 100,000.00, depending on the violation.


By May 31 of each year, starting from 2013, each operator must send, by written declaration, to the Ministry of the Environment, through ISPRA, written information regarding the quantity of atmospheric emissions (leaks) of fluorinated gases. the previous year, on the basis of the data reported in the relative "plant booklet", so as not to incur the administrative sanctions in force referred to above.


Affected devices:

heat pumps, air conditioners, liquid coolers, dehumidifiers, compressed air dryers, cooling machines for industrial processes, fermentation control, devices supporting numerical control machines, oil coolers, wood drying, industrial washing, etc.


Link decree, sanctions:


for any clarification in this regard, you can ask for information and contact the OMI Assistance service:


Tel. ++ 39.0481.488516

Fax. ++ 39.0481.489871


Technical assistance manager,


Gianluca Bugatto